GAMECUBE: Disassembly, Pot Tweaking (Potentiometer Adjustment) for DVD-R Backups

Описание к видео GAMECUBE: Disassembly, Pot Tweaking (Potentiometer Adjustment) for DVD-R Backups

A friend of mine asked if I could do this for him so I figured I would make a video about it and explain how to do it.

I know this is old. But I never owned a GC until now and I found out about this a bit ago. During that search, I found all of the videos were of horrible quality and didn't explain very much. So here we are with a new video. This time, you see the disassembly.

I used a BIC pen I melted to use as a screwdriver for the cover screws. I does work if you do it right. There are videos on youtube on how to do it.

All the interior screws underneath the cover are [+] tip. No special screwdriver needed for those.

If you do this then be sure to clean the console using compressed air (must be 18 to buy) and q-tips for the harder to reach spots.

This is not difficult to do. I've only taken apart a gamecube once until this video, and I must say it's way easier than you may think.

Datel SD Media Launcher Link:
They charge $10 shipping (at least to the U.S).

Gamecube cost me $20 on ebay.
Media Launcher $30.
Total price is $50 if you never had anything.

If you want to use Mini DVD-R this is what I use (cheapest price for qty)
Download your Gamecube ISO from here:

Link to GCoS 1.5 and Swiss (has more options):


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