Online job scams: How to identify fake job offer?

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Online job scams are growing in this today's market. With job search turning more online, it’s hard to detect whether a job offer or recruiter is in fact genuine.

What is job scam?
To ensure you don’t become a victim of job scam, this session will tell you how to identify fake job calls and fraudulent companies. If you observe that the job offer letter is fake whether sent from a free e-mail account like @ ‘, or’ then you should know that it’s a fake.

How to know if job offer is fake?
If a job offer letter sent from a free e-mail account like @ ‘, or’ then it’s a fake. Make sure that the website is secure, before entering your personal details. So finally, never accept any job involving the transfer of money from your account to another.
Checkout our career edge blog post on how to spot online jobs scams?:
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