FUT Hair Transplant in Kolkata | Lowest Cost of Hair Transplant | 3 Months Results | Dr Nagwani

Описание к видео FUT Hair Transplant in Kolkata | Lowest Cost of Hair Transplant | 3 Months Results | Dr Nagwani

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This is a very very important video for all those who want to do Hair Transplant, want to know all Procedures of Hair Transplant, Hair Transplant costs, and all.

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email: dranandnagwani@gmail.com

*******Your Queries*******
1) Hair Transplant cost in rupees?
2) What is the cost of a Hair Transplant in Kolkata?
3) FUT Hair Transplant cost per graft?
4) Cost of hair transplant in India 2021?
5) What is the cost of Hair Transplant in India?
6) Low-cost Hair Transplant surgery Kolkata

The hair transplant procedure has to be carried out only by a PLASTIC AND COSMETIC & HAIR TRANSPLANT surgeon, not a technician. In clinics where technicians do the surgery instead of surgeons, the cost is lower.

The higher the surgeon's experience & degrees, the higher would be the cost of the hair transplant. But the main factor to consider is that only an experienced surgeon will be able to give you the best results.

OT setup:- It is extremely important that hair transplant surgery should be carried out in an OT. It should not be carried out in an OPD setup. The OT should be equipped with important equipment, lights, magnification equipment, & necessary measures to handle an emergency. The OT infrastructure requires considerable investment. This modern infrastructure plays an important role in the overall cost of the surgery.

High-quality instrumentation:- For the high precision that a FUT surgery requires, high-quality instrumentation is a must! Here at CALCUTTA COSMO AID HAIR TRANSPLANT, we use the HIGH QUALITY-made punches that are extremely sharp & very precise. When they are used on the scalp, the cut is clean & there is minimal damage & scarring to the skin.

The technical team at the clinic:- Every hair transplant requires a clinical team. Successful surgery requires an excellent team & this cost also adds up to the total amount. This team should be permanent.

Hair transplant:- A hair transplant requires specific skills. For example, transplanting hair onto the temporal area is a very skillful job. There are very few surgeons who can perform this perfectly. For crown hair transplant also special skills are required. Crown designing is extremely challenging & the whorl pattern has to be created which requires specialized skills.

These are a few of the important factors that the cost of a hair transplant depends on.
In India, the pricing per graft can vary from Rs. 12 to Rs. 80. A few clinics tell you the cost per hair as opposed to per graft. You have to keep in mind that 2 hair=1 graft.

You will also have to invest in a good hair transplant. At the end of the day, a hair transplant involves are & science. This surgery requires effort, skill, expertise, experience, & hard work. Not just the surgeon, the whole technical team also contributes to the success of the hair transplant. You have to keep all this in mind, understand the reasons for the cost of the hair transplant & invest accordingly.

Choosing the right surgeon, the correct clinic is extremely important for your surgery. The same cost does not apply to all patients. Each patient has a different requirement, the number of grafts, the donor area is different for each patient. Some patients even require transplants in specialized areas like the temporal or crown area, or the beard. All this determines the overall cost. The clinic you choose should be able to match your expectations & should have high hygiene standards, infrastructure & the clinical staff & surgeon should be knowledgeable. Only once you are satisfied with all this, you should ask for the price & check your budget.

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