ShamaMamahS- Divine alchemist (Official Music Video)(Mastered)-YouTube

Описание к видео ShamaMamahS- Divine alchemist (Official Music Video)(Mastered)-YouTube

May this song and the powerful affirmations it holds support you on your healing journey.

Divine Alchemist
Original song and video creation by Florencia Abergel
Vocals, ukulele by Florencia Abergel
Vocals, banjo, bass by Jen Rosen

Divine Alchemist

Within… my body…
A Divine… Alchemist dwells…
Causing dead and worn out cells to fall away…
And the gold of new cells to rebuild…

With each breath that I take
I’m getting better, and better
I’m healing, releasing, renewing

With each step that I take
I’m getting closer and closer
Remembering, transmuting, becoming

Within… my body…
A Divine… Alchemist dwells…
Causing dead and worn out cells to fall away…
And the gold of new cells to rebuild…

With each breath that I take
I’m getting better, and better
I’m healing, releasing, renewing

With each step that I take
I’m getting closer and closer
Remembering, transmuting, becoming

-Florencia Abergel


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