Espoma Bio-Tone Plant Fertilizer *NOT SPONSORED*

Описание к видео Espoma Bio-Tone Plant Fertilizer *NOT SPONSORED*

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In today's video I share my recommended fertilizer for landscaping trees, shrubs, and flowers. Unlike other fertilizers, this stuff will not harm your soil or plants even if you use a little too much. I recommend applying Bio-Tone into the hole and or mixed into the soil amendment before placing the plant in the hole. There is bone meal, manure, and other organic materials in Bio-Tone, so you can't overdue this stuff on your plants easily. For more tips on planting and fertilizing check out the most popular gardening channel on YouTube ‪@gardenanswer‬

Laura from Garden Answer has given me so much inspiration and knowledge over the past few years.

Unlike maintenance fertilizers that are generally spread on the surface of the ground and lightly worked into the soil, Bio-tone Starter Plus is added to the planting hole, where it is in direct contact with the roots. Fun fact: Mycorrhizae literally means “fungus roots.” These specialized fungi act like extensions of the roots themselves, creating hundreds or thousands more entry points for the roots to take up water and nutrients.
Microbes are bacteria that breakdown nutrients to make them available for plants to take up. Bio-tone contains 50 percent more microbes than maintenance fertilizers like Holly-tone, for example. These microbes and mycorrhizae help restore balance to your soil and are a cornerstone of the “Regenerative Gardening” trend."

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