How to get into IIM I? BLACKI | CAT prep | Interview Prep | MBA | IIM Indore

Описание к видео How to get into IIM I? BLACKI | CAT prep | Interview Prep | MBA | IIM Indore

Recently I got into one of the most prestigious B-Schools in India - IIM Indore. In this video, I share my journey right from the CAT preparation to the final interview preparation. I have tried to cover all the different aspects - for how many months you need to prepare, strategies for each section (QA, DILR, VARC), mocks, profile building, and interview preparation.

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Check out the GradWiz website and book a one-on-one session if you need any help with CAT prep or interview prep or anything related to MBA in India.

Comment below if you have any video suggestions or if you have any specific questions regarding this episode. I'll take all the CAT-specific questions in the podcast session. If you are excited about the podcast episode, comment down below #IIMIndoreSPodcast!

Thanks for watching :)

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0:00 Intro
0:33 When did I decide to write the CAT exam?
1:15 For how many months did I prepare?
2:19 My Preparation Strategy (QA | DILR | VARC)
7:44 Everything about Mocks
10:27 Profile Building for MBA
11:36 How did I prepare for the interviews
12:55 Final Words

Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: 3YPXSPJOOCXYZN8R


#IIMIndore #CATprep #IIM #MBAinIndia


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