Ucchi's most memorable high school activity | Lanyan Translations

Описание к видео Ucchi's most memorable high school activity | Lanyan Translations


Thank you IaNaChan14 for pointing out the translation mistake! Reviewed ucchi’s saying in this episode and listened to Fukumenkei Noise’s drama CD recently, it did happen at his friend’s house. Sorry for the mistranslation!

Copy paste of the description from my old video:

Horimiya is probably the first time where Ucchi gets the spotlight of voicing a character that does not belong to his usual "cold-hearted, quiet, or villain-like" characters. I remember being so happy for him getting all the attention when the new Horimiya anime first came out in 2021.

Three of them have known each other for a really long time, I believe it was during Tomacchan and Ucchi's late 10s (they are the same age) and maybe Nobu's early 20s or even earlier, so they are really comfortable with each other.

I'm guessing the reason Ucchi 'yells' at Bunka Housou 文化放送 is because his personal radio program 内山昂輝の1クール! belongs to the broadcasting group as well, he’s familiar with some of the staff 🤭

「ホリミヤ -piece-」~生徒会長が物申す!ジェネギャ☆ラジオ!~#1(2023年7月26日放送分)


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