Prof. Sudarshan Raj Tiwari | अनि, अब with Sudheer Sharma | Ep.03

Описание к видео Prof. Sudarshan Raj Tiwari | अनि, अब with Sudheer Sharma | Ep.03

≈ काठमाडौंको प्राचीन इतिहास ≈
काठमाडौं उपत्यकाको प्राचीन इतिहास के हो ? किरात, लिच्छवि, गोपाल र महिषपालहरु को थिए ? अहिलेका किरात र उसबेलाका किरातहरु एकै हुन् ? नेवाः समुदायको उद्भव कसरी भयो ? उसबेलाको शहरी सभ्यता कस्तो थियो ? कैलाशकूट र मानगृहजस्ता दरबारहरु कहाँ बनेका थिए ? काठमाडौं, तिलौराकोट र सिन्धु घाटीको सभ्यता किन र कसरी एकै श्रृंखलामा गाँसिएका थिए ?

इतिहासका यस्ता थुप्रै पाटोको अन्वेषण गरेका छन्— प्रा.डा.सुदर्शनराज तिवारीले ।

प्रा.तिवारी वास्तुविद् एवं इतिहासकार हुन् । दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय तथा हवाई विश्वविद्यालयबाट वास्तुकलासम्बन्धी डिग्री प्राप्त गरेका उनको विद्यावारिधि शोधपत्र काठमाडौं उपत्यकाको प्राचीन बस्तीहरूसँग सम्बन्धित छ । तिवारीले त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालयको इन्जिनियरिङ अध्ययन संस्थानमा ३५ वर्षभन्दा बढी सेवा गरेका छन् । उनी सन् १९८८ देखि १९९२ सम्म उक्त संस्थानको डिन थिए ।

प्रा. तिवारीको रुची नेपालको ऐतिहासिक वास्तुकला, शहर, संस्कृति तथा सम्पदा संरक्षणमा केन्द्रित छ । उनले लुम्बिनी, स्वयम्भू, चाँगुनारायण, पाटन दरबार स्क्वायरजस्ता विश्व सम्पदामा सूचीकृत विभिन्न स्थलहरूमा काम गरिसकेका छन् ।

What is the ancient history of the Kathmandu Valley? Who were the Kirat, Licchavi, Gopala, and Mahishpala? Are the Kirats of today the same as those of ancient times? How did the Newa community emerge, and what was urban civilization like during that period? Where were the grand palaces such as Kailashkut and Managriha located? Furthermore, why and how were the civilizations of Kathmandu, Tilaurakot, and the Indus Valley intertwined in a single chain?

Prof. Dr. Sudarshan Raj Tiwari has explored many aspects of this history.

Prof. Tiwari, an architect and historian, holds degrees in architecture from the University of Delhi and the University of Hawaii. His academic dissertation focuses on the ancient settlements of the Kathmandu Valley. With over 35 years of service at the Institute of Engineering Studies, Tribhuvan University, he served as the dean from 1988 to 1992.

Prof. Tiwari's interests center on Nepal's historical architecture, cities, culture, and heritage preservation. His recent research activities are in these areas – Technologies for building ecocities, श्रीयन्त्र (a tantrik diagram representing universe), वास्तुशास्त्र and वास्तु पुरुष मण्डल (ancient treatise on architecture and architectural design diagram). He has also contributed to various World Heritage sites such as Lumbini, Swayambhu, Changunarayan, and Patan Durbar Square.

Visit his personal website:

Prof. Tiwari’s Books:
1. Bhaktapur- the capital of the Malla Nepal Mandala: Rich Publishers, Patan, 2023
2. हाँडीगाउँ- प्राचीन नेपालको राजधानीः Himal Books, Patan, 2023
3. The Temples of the Nepal Valley: Himal Books, Patan, 2009
4. The Brick and the Bull: Himal Books, Patan, 2002
5. The Ancient Settlements of the Kathmandu Valley: Centre for Nepal and Asian Studies, TU, 2001
6. Tiered Temples of Nepal: published by Sunita Tiwari, 1989
7. A Monograph on MARFA: (with co-authors BP Sharma and G Sharma) published by Institute of Engineering, TU, 1977

Selected Articles:
1. Newar Vaastusastra– A Study of a 16th century Newar Manuscripts written on the orders of Prince Bhupatindra Malla
2. Architecture of Nepal in the Ancient Period (VAASTU vol 2, May 2002)
3. The 55-Windowed Palace Conservation (VAASTU vol 3, May 2001)
4. The Pit Conduit Water Suppy System of Kathmandu (VAASTU vol 4, May 2002)
5. Degah, the Triple Chariot of God (VAASTU vol 5, October 2003)
6. The Evolution of Dyochhe (VAASTU vol 7, August 2005)
7. Temple Roofs over Terrace Bars? (VAASTU vol 8, August 2006)
8. Mayadevi Temple, Recent Discoveries and its Implications on History of Building at Lumbini (TU Journal, 1996)
9. The Town of Bhaktapur, A Study of Structural Changes over Time (CARD Newsletter)
10. Devapattana – The Town of the God (Vedic Udbodhan)
11. Traditional Architecture of Kathmandu Valley, Responsiveness to Earthquake (CEC Workshop IOE, 1998)
12. Krishna Mandir- An Investigation of its Style (Souvenir issue of Lalitpur Heritage Group)
13. Learning from Traditional Towns – Spaces and Networks for Sustainable Multi-cultural Urbanism
14. Kathmandu Valley Urban Capital Region and Historical Urbanism (ADIPA Conference)
15. Sustainable Urban Development – Lessons from Historic Cities of Asia (Trondheim Conference)

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Our Team 👉🏼
Host: Sudheer Sharma
Producer & Creative Designer: Kalpana Dhakal
Visual Editor: Ujjwal Dhungana
Graphic Lead: Ankit Bhattarai
Camera & Studio Supervisor: Shiva Ram Shrestha
Camera Crew: Hritik Singh Thakuri & Madan Khadka

Special Thanks: Gurung Sushanta & Saumik Sharma
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