Team Nigma's ATTACKER! Shuts Down Shadow Fiend as Offlane Pudge | Dota 2 Flayer’s Hook + Giveaway!

Описание к видео Team Nigma's ATTACKER! Shuts Down Shadow Fiend as Offlane Pudge | Dota 2 Flayer’s Hook + Giveaway!

We’re giving away the Scorching Talon, Pudge’s rare mythical hook cosmetic, to one lucky viewer! 🎉

How to Enter:
1️⃣ Subscribe to Pudge Quest.
2️⃣ Like this video.
3️⃣ Comment your favorite hook or harassment moment from the video.

⏳ Giveaway ends: 11/27/2024
📢 Winner announcement: 11/28/2024 (via a pinned comment).

About the Video:
Watch Team Nigma's ATTACKER! dominate the offlane as Pudge, taking on Shadow Fiend in an unforgettable matchup. With relentless harassment and perfectly-timed hooks, ATTACKER! turns the offlane into his personal playground. Using the legendary Flayer's Hook cosmetic, this game showcases the art of shutting down a Shadow Fiend while leading the team to victory.

From clutch saves to perfectly executed ganks, ATTACKER! proves why Pudge is a force in the offlane. This is a masterclass in aggressive offlane play you don’t want to miss!

💬 Can Shadow Fiend stand up to Pudge’s aggression? Let us know in the comments!

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