Alex Wright (Stanford) - Mirzakhani's computation of Weil Petersson volumes and intersection numbers

Описание к видео Alex Wright (Stanford) - Mirzakhani's computation of Weil Petersson volumes and intersection numbers

Maryam Mirzakhani Memoriam Meeting
22 March 2018

Abstract: We will reproduce Mirzakhani's remarkable computation of the Weil-Petersson volume in the simplest example of the moduli space of genus 1, once punctured Riemann surfaces, and discuss how Mirzakhani generalized the techniques to determine the volume of all moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces.Then we will discuss Mirzakhani's proof of Witten's Conjecture concerning intersection numbers of tautological classes on moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces. We will emphasize definitions, examples, and the connection that Mirzakhani established to Weil-Petersson volumes.


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