Your Lie In April [AMV] Remember Me

Описание к видео Your Lie In April [AMV] Remember Me

Welcome to feels town! This my 4th AMV, and without a doubt my most emotional one yet. It is based on the "Your Lie In April" anime, and the song is a cover of "Orange" by a Japanese artist called "7!!", done by Youtube "Monistar."

So, some of you may know that I previously made a YLIA AMV, but admittedly, it had many flaws. I decided to completely remake it (adding scenes and changing MANY things, including fixing all the errors) and I think it's much better than before now!

If you like it, don't like, or have any suggestions, please let me know in the comments! :)

Lastly, but most certainly not least, I'd like to give special thanks to my good friends Michaela and Colin for being my first viewers of ALL my AMVs and for always give me great advice and support with my (amateur) AMV making "career".

DISCLAIMER: As always, this video is done solely for fair use and something I just did for fun. I do not own any of the footage or soundtrack to this AMV.


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