Berwick 1707 - the Art of Shoemaking

Описание к видео Berwick 1707 - the Art of Shoemaking

西班牙手工皮鞋近年急起直追,來自西班牙南部古城 Almansa 的 Berwick 1707 近年在皮鞋界成功突圍, 以極高性價比見稱的他們將英式皮鞋的 Goodyear Welted 製法、美式皮鞋的粗獷鞋楦及歐洲皮鞋手擦色風格集結集,化身成綜合了多國優點於一身的品牌。Berwick 1707製作一絲不苛, 每雙皮鞋工序多達200個次多。

Berwick 1707 Goodyear Welt manufacturing process entails more than two hundred different operations, with parts sewed separately to guarantee stability, durability and insulate the foot from the outside.

Shoes constructed through this process invented in 1871 by Charles Goodyear Jr., which consists of more than two hundred separate operations, through which and after two days of work the cutting is stitched to the welt and this is in turn stitched to the insole as well as sewn separately to the outsole, insulating the foot from the cold, heat and water.

A cork-filled midsole is applied between the two pieces of leather that, through use, will end up forming a template tailored to our foot. In addition to making them long lasting, the quality of this construction will allow the shoe to be repaired when it shows signs of wear.

The features of Berwick 1707 shoes come from the best suppliers in the industry: tanneries such as Du Puy and D’Annonay for the leather cuttings, Dainite rubber soles and the agglomerated cork for the midsole and linings entirely in cowhide are imported from England. They are available in continental numbering with half sizes for maximum fit adjustment.


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