Jerry in White part 4/4

Описание к видео Jerry in White part 4/4

Jerry guested in 100% Entertainment for his Amphibian Photobook

This interview was recorded 2 weeks before the actual filming of MG2. Jerry was all worried that he can't able to play the role of Dao Ming Si as good as MG1, since there was a break between the filming of MG1 and MG2.

Here's a short dialog at the end of the interview.

Xiao S (tries to get Jerry attention): Since you haven't seen Da S for awhile, do you feel detach from her?

Jerry: Of course

Da S (interrupt): But we were not that close at the beginning of MG1

Xiao S: Do you think your guys need to get together for a little rehearsal?

Jerry: That will be hard since she has responsibility now (Jerry is referring to Blue)

Xiao S: (smiling while looking at Da S)

Jerry: He has good quality

Xiao S: Really!! But sister Da S mention you all the time

Da S (pointing her finger at Xiao S): Don't you get me into trouble!!

Jerry (smiling): Da S usually makes personal calls to me


Xiao S: (cracking up)

Jerry: You did make those phone calls to me, you did say you love.. why are you afraid? Hey Blue, don't misunderstood us here.. she and I are very close..

Da S: (trying to kick Jerry here and waving her hand at the camera.. saying no such thing exists)

Jerry (smiling): But you call me last time to go to the movies

Da S: (kneeling down)

Jerry (asking Da S to sit next to him): Hey, you got me into trouble last time!

(Jerry is asking Da S to hold the poster and not to move!!!)
Jerry (trying explain to Xiao S): Remember there was an article in the newspaper.. I was mad! It stated, Blue will only allow Da S to have kissing scene with Jerry Yan and not anyone else..

Da S (listening to Jerry)

Jerry: During that time, a lot of people thought I am xxx (Jerry is implying the word gay)

Da S: What?

Jerry (looking at Da S): Do you know what I mean?

(Xiao S feeling left out)

Jerry: What an imagination?

Xiao S: What do you mean?...what? (joining the conversation)

Da S (Jerry is holding Da S hand): Blue said... I could only kiss Jerry and not anyone else

Jerry (still holding her hand): Did he really mean that?

Da S: Yes! He did, but we already had kisses in MG1

Jerry (Da S is trying to get away from Jerry): But, do they know we have something going on behind doors?

Da S (trying to escape): HELP!!! HELP ME!!! (Jerry pulling Da S back to him)

Xiao S: Okay, we need more show time

Jerry (still trying to pull Da S back to him): How come you're trying to get away from me?

Xiao S: (sighing!!!)

Da S (explaining to Xiao S): Since Blue said I could only have kissing scene with Jerry and not anyone else, the public thought Jerry is xxx and people are questioning him of his sexuality

Jerry (smiling at D aS): But privately you told me..

Da S: What?

Jerry (grabbing Da S): Can I say it? (he means on-air)

Xiao S (laughs out loud)

Da S: (trying to end the interview): Congratulation!!! Jerry Yan on your book tour!!!

Jerry (still trying to make fun of Da S): But I'm not done yet.. the reason I came to the show was not for the book.. it's for...

Xiao S: Let's take a break

Da S: (motioning the cameraman to cut!!): Let's go to commercial

originally posted by lamgeese
edited by bloathy


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