MyFinBec 2012 Mode 2 / Jason Revok / Faith 47 / Askew One /Jasm One / Esow, / Demes / Deter

Описание к видео MyFinBec 2012 Mode 2 / Jason Revok / Faith 47 / Askew One /Jasm One / Esow, / Demes / Deter

PROJECT | myFinbec curated by JASM ONE
LOCATION | Sion (Switzerland) - Cave Fin Bec
ARTISTS | Line Up from 5 continents
Mode 2 (Germany)
Jason Revok (USA)
Askew One, (New Zeeland)
Jasm One (Switzerland)
Faith 47 (South Africa)
Esow (Japan)
Deter (Switzerland)
Demes (Switzerland)

Produced by Rebild Productions
A micro-documentary of the 2012 MyFinBEC project where graffiti and street art meet wine. Eight international artists from around the world met in June 2012 to paint on wooden canvases made of 84 wine crates. These paintings were then used as wine labels. Visit to order limited edition wine cases.

Video copyright ©2013 Chris Courtney / Rebild Productions All Rights Reserved


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