How to convert Kindle Books to PDF - All books including DRM protected | no calibre | Free Software

Описание к видео How to convert Kindle Books to PDF - All books including DRM protected | no calibre | Free Software

Now if you purchased a Kindle book, then in many instances you might want to convert these e-books to PDF. Though the process may NOT BE FEASIBLE to everyone, it can surely help many (or smaller pages books) to convert to PDF making it easier to use on mobiles, laptops, and other devices. You will not require to downgrade kindle as well - you can simply use the latest version.

In this tutorial, we will be using a Windows PC and some free converting tools. The video is divided into three parts - Installing the latest Kindle, downloading and installing software tools, and finally converting Kindle Books to PDF.

Please note you must OWN the book and have the full right to view the books on kindle. You cannot convert Kindle to PDF if you aren't able to open it on Kindle.

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