মদিনার ১৪শত বছর আগের গ্রাম। মসজিদে আরিশ।1400 year old village in Medina

Описание к видео মদিনার ১৪শত বছর আগের গ্রাম। মসজিদে আরিশ।1400 year old village in Medina

মদিনার ১৪শত বছর আগের গ্রাম। মসজিদে আরিশ।1400 year old village in Medina

মদিনায় ১৪০০ বছর আগের গ্রাম গুলি দেখতে কেমন ছিলো।তারা কিভাবে ঘর বাড়ি তৈরি করতেন।
এই ভিডিওতে দেখতে পাবেন।

আরো আছে....
মসজিদে আইরিশ যেখানে হযরত মুহাম্মদ সল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লাম রাত্রিযাপন করেছেন...
বদর ময়দানের পাশেই সেই যায়গা।
1400 years ago, Medina, or Madinah al-Munawwarah, stood as a beacon of faith and community in the Arabian Peninsula. Visualizing this ancient city requires delving into its historical richness, imagining a landscape vastly different from the bustling metropolis it is today.

In the year 622 CE, when Prophet Muhammad and his followers migrated to Medina from Mecca, the city was a stark contrast to the present. Medina was a collection of adobe houses and palm groves surrounded by volcanic hills and desert terrain. Its heart was the Masjid al-Nabawi, a simple structure built of palm trunks and mud bricks, where the Prophet delivered sermons and led prayers.

The old Medina of 1400 years ago was centered around this mosque, which served not only as a place of worship but as the focal point of social, political, and economic life. The streets were narrow, winding paths of compacted earth, shaded by date palms and occasionally punctuated by wells and small markets. The houses were modest, constructed from local materials such as mud bricks and stone, providing cool refuge from the scorching Arabian sun.

Water was a precious commodity in this arid environment, and the city relied on wells such as the famous Well of Zamzam for its survival. These wells were gathering places where people met, exchanged news, and shared in the communal efforts of survival and growth.

The marketplace, or suq, was another vital part of old Medina. Here, merchants from various tribes and regions would sell goods ranging from spices and textiles to pottery and livestock. The suq was not just a commercial hub but a cultural melting pot, where ideas, traditions, and innovations intermingled.

Despite its modest appearance, Medina was a city pulsating with activity and spirituality. The companions of the Prophet, known as Sahaba, lived simple yet profoundly impactful lives within these walls. Their homes, often clustered around the mosque, formed tight-knit neighborhoods where mutual support and camaraderie thrived.

Visualizing Medina 1400 years ago requires stepping back into a world where faith and community were paramount. The landscape was not just physical but spiritual, with the presence of the Prophet Muhammad shaping every aspect of daily life. It was a city where revelation mingled with daily routines, where prayers echoed through the streets, and where the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood transcended tribal affiliations.

Today, while Medina has transformed into a modern city with towering minarets and bustling streets, its essence as a spiritual center remains unchanged. The journey through its history allows us to appreciate the humble origins of a place that became pivotal in the spread of Islam and continues to inspire millions around the world.



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