Cosmic Significance: Do we matter in this huge Universe? | Dr. latha Christie | DRM | 30.8.2024

Описание к видео Cosmic Significance: Do we matter in this huge Universe? | Dr. latha Christie | DRM | 30.8.2024

Carl Sagan says that we are just star dust. He says that we are tiny and insignificant before this huge cosmos and that we live in a mote of dust suspended in a sun beam.
Blaise Pascal was terrified of the eternal silence of the infinite space.

Are we really insignificant? Do we matter in this huge Cosmos?Are we cosmic orphans in this huge universe?
Are we living in an imperfect planet with earthquakes, Tsunamis, and floods? Is there no purpose to our existence?

If you are having these questions, join the talk on 30th August at 7 PM IST on zoom. It is an interactive session with Dr. Latha Christie.


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