First week of the 7.32e Meta | Dota 2

Описание к видео First week of the 7.32e Meta | Dota 2

Are you tired of losing games in Dota 2? Do you want to climb the ranks and become a pro player? Well, I have the solution for you: Meteor Hammer.

Yes, you heard it right. Meteor Hammer is the best item in the game, and you should buy it every single game, regardless of your hero or role. Playing support? Get Meteor Hammer. Playing offlane? Get Meteor Hammer. Playing mid? Get Meteor Hammer. Playing carry? Get Meteor Hammer.

Some may argue that it's a situational item, but I say that every situation is a Meteor Hammer situation. Need to defend your high ground? Meteor Hammer. Need to secure Roshan? Meteor Hammer. Need to clear out creep waves? Meteor Hammer. I have never lost a game where I bought Meteor Hammer, and I never will.

All hail Meteor Hammer!
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