Paylan, Sheila - Nagorno-Karabakh: Mounting Cases of Azerbaijani Human Rights Violations

Описание к видео Paylan, Sheila - Nagorno-Karabakh: Mounting Cases of Azerbaijani Human Rights Violations

Produced by AGBU WebTalks

In 2020, Azerbaijan launched a brutal war in Nagorno-Karabakh, a breakaway autonomous region predominantly inhabited by indigenous Armenians dating back to ancient times. During the 44-day war, Azerbaijan committed numerous human rights violations and war crimes against Armenians, as documented and reported by international NGOs and the media. In this AGBU WebTalk, international human rights lawyer Sheila Paylan cites and explains, in accessible language, the specific international laws, conventions, rules, and agreements that Azerbaijan has broken—during the war and since the brokered ceasefire agreement of November 9, 2020, including the unlawful blockade of the Lachin Corridor. Despite the international community's inconsistent performance in enforcing these rules, Paylan emphasizes the absolute necessity to continue to leverage all available legal and reporting tools to hold Azerbaijan accountable for its crimes.


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