Alyssa Mastromonaco: Growing up and trusting your gut

Описание к видео Alyssa Mastromonaco: Growing up and trusting your gut

This program is part of our Good Lit series, underwritten by the Bernard Osher Foundation.

Do you ever wish you had a blueprint for navigating some of life's toughest spaces, including relationships, friendships or your job? Alyssa Mastromonaco might have the answers. Since her years as a key member of the Obama administration, Mastromonaco has since become a media powerhouse with notable roles at companies such as Vice Media, Marie Claire Magazine and, most recently, A&E Networks. Along the way, she’s learned hard but incredibly valuable lessons that she’s ready to share with the world. From Congress to tech to Hollywood, being a woman in the workplace comes with challenges, but Mastromonaco is here to help you see a path for yourself.

Join Mastromonaco’s return to INFORUM on the heels of the release of her newest book, So Here's the Thing… Notes on Growing Up, Getting Older, and Trusting Your Gut. The book includes personal stories, interviews with some of the world’s most recognizable and hardworking women, and of course, Mastromonaco’s distinct sense of humor. She will offer tips and tricks she picked up during her illustrious career and offer advice on how to become (or support!) a modern woman on your own terms. Mastromonaco will be in conversation with her friend and former colleague in the Obama administration, Dan Pfeiffer.


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