24년06월26일 ❤️An English Teacher's Advice for His Students ❤️

Описание к видео 24년06월26일 ❤️An English Teacher's Advice for His Students ❤️

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❤️An English Teacher's Advice for His Students ❤️

EBS 방송내용중 원어민음성과 교재의 본문을 편집하여 만든 동영상이며, 앞에 오늘 내용 6회 반복에 이어 지난 일주일내용이  복습으로 한번씩 나옵니다

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🔵240626🔵 주요내용정리

♡ 핵심 표현
tend to 동사원형 : ~하는 경향이 있다 ※22.07.11 주요표현
》반대로 '하지 않는 경향'이 있다면, tend not to 를 사용함
비슷한 표현으로 have a tendency(※22.07.11 핵심표현) 가 있음
You tend to arrive late to meetings.
Children tend to ask a lot of questions.
She has a tendency to ignore other people's opinions. (= tend to 보다 형식적)

♡ 핵심 단어
speak 말하다 ( talk 보다 형식적 )
quiet 조용한
voice 목소리
softly 부드럽게, 조용히
hinder 저해하다, 방해하다
clear 명백한, 분명한
communication 소통
mumble 웅얼거리다

♡ 주요 표현
1. That's because 평서문. : 그건 ~이라서 그래. ※21.04.26 핵심표현
》바로 앞서 언급한 것에 대한 이유를 댈 때 사용
That's because they are jealous.
That's because I am shy.

2. I don't feel like 평서문. : ~이란 기분이 안 든다
》주어를 it 으로 사용 가능함
예) It doesn't feel like...
I don't feel like my cooking skills are improving.
She didn't feel like their relationship was going anyhwere.
※ feel like 평서문 : ~인 기분이다 - 23.12.22 주요표현
※ It feels + like 평서문. : ~인 것같이 느끼다/기분이다 - 23.12.14 주요표현

3. keep 명사 in mind : ~를 명심하다
》(명사)로는 that, it, this 등의 대명사를 쓰는 경우가 대부분임
Keep that in mind.
Keep this in mind and work hard.
※ have 명사 in mind : ~를 염두에 두다 - 23.12.18 주요표현

♡ 어순 영작
You tend to speak with a quiet voice during our English lessons.
※ with 명사 : ~로 - 23.03.23 주요표현
※ during 명사 : ~중에 - 24.06.13 핵심표현

That's because I don't feel like my English is good enough.
( good 괜찮은 )

I understand, but speaking softly will only hinder clear communication.
( softly 부드럽게 )

Use a louder voice,  and you should stop mumbling
( should ~해야 해 )

I'll keep that in mind, Mr Baek.

☆ 이런! 느낌
Girls like confident guys. Keep that in mind.
OK, but I'm already nervous.


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