The Easiest DPS Build EVER: Auto Attack Thief!

Описание к видео The Easiest DPS Build EVER: Auto Attack Thief!

Playing DPS can be pretty scary when you're new.. So today, I'm going to teach you a build where you.. won't need to do any of that!

This is auto attack thief (aka unload deadeye), and for this build, you only have to press 1 button every 20 seconds! It's fully ranged, still does pretty decent damage, and is great for beginners and accessibility. The ultimate low intensity build!

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0:00 Intro
1:55 A Disclaimer
2:44 How does it work?
3:27 Gear and Consumables
4:14 Traits and Skills
5:41 Open World Variant
6:27 Conclusion


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