2 色の平結び from パラコードクラフト パーフェクトブック by J.D. Lenzen of TIAT

Описание к видео 2 色の平結び from パラコードクラフト パーフェクトブック by J.D. Lenzen of TIAT

[著書] http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4766124685 平結びはパラコードクラフトのもっとも基本的なテクニッ ク。見た目はスッキリ、技術的にも比較的簡単に結ぶこと ができる。整然と結び目が並ぶ気品あふれる結びは、どん な用途にも合う万能選手だ。ここでは2 色のコードを使っ て結んでみよう。This week's video was produced for the Japanese speaking members of the Fusion Knotting community. More specifically, the video shows how to tie a Two Color Solomon Bar, a piece shown in "Paracord Craft Perfect Book" (the Japanese language edition of Paracord Fusion Ties -- Volume 1). On account this particular video is planned to be used as a teaching tool for a Craft & Hobby Conference in Japan, the finish for the bar was completed with a cord-lock, instead of a 2-Strand Diamond Knot (as shown in the book). The thought being, a cord-lock would allow time for more people to learn the bar. | Cord Used: Two 5 ft. Lengths of [thin gauge] Paracord from Japan | Lock Used: 25 mm Cord Lock | Finished Piece: 7.5 in. Long


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