Love Solfege' - Cronaca dell'Akasha (w/ Lyrics)

Описание к видео Love Solfege' - Cronaca dell'Akasha (w/ Lyrics)

Another song with italian lyrics from Love Solfege', this time from their 2010 release, Kyorichi no Sample.

Song: Cronaca dell'Akasha
Album: kyorichi no Sample

Again, special thanks to Manux Prower for helping me with the english translation of the lyrics :)

Lyrics (Italian):

Da un lontano passato
una fanciulla portava
con se ricordi, glorie
la storia dell'umanità

Eterea e divina
sempre onnipotente
era la sostanza celeste
che custodiva la verità

splende la luce tra noi
raggi mistici e puri
diffondono la speranza
liberano la vera forza

così rivive il cosmo
stelle, terre e mari
pulsano di vita con lei
sembra un Dio, sembra il Tutto

nei suoi occhi traspariva lo spazio
in tutte le sue forme

mio Dio sii Akasha
grande potere, lode a te Akasha
forte fonte sicura

nei suoi occhi traspariva lo spazio
in tutte le sue forme

mio Dio sii Akasha
grande potere lode a te Akasha
e la fanciulla ricordava

ma l'uomo dimentica
il presente perde il futuro
rinnega il passato
oh Dio, oh Akasha

guarda e si dispera
la fanciulla cadono lacrime
oramai aspetta solo la fine del mondo

Lyrics (English):

From a distant past
a girl brought
with herself memories, glories
the history of humanity

ethereal and divine
always almighty
she was the celestial substance
guarding the truth

the light shine among us
mystical and pure rays
radiating hope
unleashing the true strength

thus, revives the universe
stars, lands and seas
pulsing life with her
she seems a god, she seems the whole

in her eyes shone the space
in all its shapes

Akasha, be my god
grand power, hail to you Akasha
spring might and bold

in her eyes shone the space
in all its shapes

Akasha, be my god
grand power, hail to you Akasha
and the lady remembered

but the man forget
the present, losing the future
denying the past
oh god, oh Akasha

she looks and despairs
the girl sheds her tears
now she's only waiting for the end of the world


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