動物とふれあう大山トム・ソーヤ牧場 Great fun with animals at Daisen Tom Sawyer Pasture

Описание к видео 動物とふれあう大山トム・ソーヤ牧場 Great fun with animals at Daisen Tom Sawyer Pasture

大山トム・ソーヤ牧場WEBSITE http://tom.sanin.jp/ja/
住所:鳥取県米子市岡成622-2 無料駐車場完備
年中開園 閉館日:木曜日・冬季は要問合せ
入場料3歳~中学生 600円高校生以上 1000円
問い合わせ:[email protected]

YONAGOOD is pleased to introduce Daisen Tom Sawyer Farm, a place where any animal lover, from children to adults, can enjoy themselves to the fullest. Visitors will be able to interact with 23 different kinds of animals of various sizes in the great nature of Daisen, and be reminded of the importance of  the animals that live on the earth. Fun playground equipment and barbecue are available,too. This is a place where you will want to spend the whole day. You will meet goats, sheeps, dogs, horses, as well as alpacas, capybaras, turtles, and many other big and small animals. Daisen Tom Sawyer Pasture WEBSITE  http://tom.sanin.jp/ja/english/
Address: 622-2 Okanari, Yonago City, Tottori Prefecture Free parking lot
Tel: 0859-27-4707
Open all year round (Closed on Thursdays, and irregularly during winter season)
Admission fee 3 years old to junior high school students 600 yen High school students and older: 1,000 yen
Inquiries: [email protected]
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