Elevating the performance of EL34. Galion TS34 tube integrated amplifier

Описание к видео Elevating the performance of EL34. Galion TS34 tube integrated amplifier

#hifi #audiophile #amplifier #stereo #Integrated amp #tubes
order Galion TS34 at www.galion-audio.com
Patreon:   / thomasandstereo  

Gear mentioned or used in this review :
Silverline Sonata speakers
Matrix X-sabre3 DAC
Galion TS34 Tube integrated amp
Maco Macaria speakers
Galion TS A20 class A power amp
Galion TS120 tube integrated amp

PSVANE Horizon tubes
Apos Ray tubes

Track: Left Alone — Airixis [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Watch:    • Left Alone — Airixis | Free Backgroun...  
Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/left-alone


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