How To Digitize Your Signature Using Krita (FREE Software) - (English assignment)

Описание к видео How To Digitize Your Signature Using Krita (FREE Software) - (English assignment)

Today, I'll teach you how to digitize your signature to use it on your computer and sign papers without any tedious process !

1) Download Krita
2) Create a new file (I used the size 800px * 500px)
3) Take a picture of your signature and send it to you computer
4) Import your picture into Krita: Layer → Import/Export → Import Layer
5) Resize your signature to the right size using the "Transform" tool
6) Remove the background: Filter → Adjust → Threshold
7) Adjust the cursors until we can only see your signature

remove the white background using the similar color tool and then make the background transparent by clicking the lock on the right side of you screen then delete the Background layer.

8) Save your final picture as a .png

Download Krita

Had to do a small video for an English course, it would probably have been better without the camera but it was required and I'm too lazy to edit it out.
The introduction is also maybe a bit too long but I hope you won't mind!


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