地球最後の日 バレンタインデー 2024 Valentine’s Day Chocolates Japanese Sweets & French Chocolate

Описание к видео 地球最後の日 バレンタインデー 2024 Valentine’s Day Chocolates Japanese Sweets & French Chocolate

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動画で紹介したサロショのチョコとケーキは、「Alban Guilmet/アルバン・ギルメ」、「Philippe BEL/フィリップ・ベル」、「CHRISTIAN CAMPRINI/クリスチャン・カンプリニ」、「Bernachon/ベルナシオン」「TOURBILLON BY YANN BRYS/トゥルビヨン バイ ヤン ブリス」、「Patrick Roger/パトリック・ロジェ」、「Lilian BONNEFOI/リリアン・ボンヌフォア」です。撮影前に食べてしまったり、動画の尺的にカットしたなど、動画に登場しなかったチョコも多数あります。ミーハーなので田中みな実さんが紹介したショコラティエのチョコばかり買いました(笑)。そしてセレクションBOXも購入できたので、他のショコラティエさんのチョコも少しですが食べられて幸せでした。2025年もサロショに参戦しようと思います。

The main chocolates for Valentine's Day 2024 were the ones I bought at the Salon du Chocolat at the Japanese department store Mitsukoshi Isetan for the first time. . Every year, Valentine's Day has become an event where it is common to buy your own chocolate. This year, I bought all the chocolates myself.
I also bought a lot of cute animal chocolates. I buy Goncharov's animal chocolates every year, and they go great with the animal kitchen goods, and they are soothing to look at and eat. The eyes of &chocolate's Choco Neko are so realistic that I hesitated to eat them, but they were delicious.
When I was filming the video, there were a lot of collaboration products between the Japanese convenience store "Family Mart" and the chocolate "Black Thunder" on sale, so I ate a lot of "Black Thunder" sweets and desserts this year. I especially liked the ice cream. The "Black Thunder" for toast was very delicious.
I had been eating sweet sweets for a long time, so my mouth was very sweet, so I was very happy to receive the bouquet of cup noodles. ...Although I bought it myself... . The chocolate-colored noodle bouquet is miso flavored. The salty miso ramen I eat with my sweet mouth revives my tongue!
The chocolates and cakes I bought at Salon du Chocolat are "Alban Guilmet", "Philippe BEL", "CHRISTIAN CAMPRINI", "Bernachon", "TOURBILLON BY YANN BRYS", "Patrick Roger", "Lilian BONNEFOI", etc. There are many chocolates that did not appear in the video because they were eaten before filming or cut due to the length of the video. I also bought a selection box, so I was happy to be able to eat a little bit of chocolate from other chocolatiers. I'm thinking of going to Salon du Chocolat again in 2025.
I arranged the Bernachon tablets (chocolate bars) in a sushi style (lol).
I caught the escaped turtle and crocodile chocolates, cut them, melted the Anpanman and Mickey Mouse chocolates, and completed the magic chocolate that turns anything into chocolate! I used dry ice to create the smoke.
After eating so many sweet things, I wanted to eat something salty again, so I decided to cook okonomiyaki. The industrial onion cutter was very useful again this time (lol). I made okonomiyaki, but I wanted to try the magic chocolate that turns anything into chocolate... I dropped a few drops on the okonomiyaki... and then I dropped a few drops on the Zaru Soba noodles that I was going to eat after the shoot... Oh, surprise! It turned into chocolate cake and Mont Blanc.
And then, I still wanted to eat regular okonomiyaki, so I completely ignored the setting of the magic chocolate that turns anything into chocolate and brought back the okonomiyaki that I had placed outside the camera angle, and I heated it in the microwave and enjoyed the hot okonomiyaki. Salty is the best after all!
For dessert after the okonomiyaki, we had planet chocolate. Then I accidentally dropped the Earth... I'm very sorry that the Earth disappeared.
Thank you, Google translation.


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