ExJW May14 “RACIAL Injustice I Saw”

Описание к видео ExJW May14 “RACIAL Injustice I Saw”

In our community as Jehovah’s Witnesses we never really talk about the quiet injustice of racism. We feel it but we don’t vocalize it. Friends quietly suffer not really putting a finger on what’s happening to them because “Racism” is felt on a personal level. Not everyone around you see’s it. Individuals feel it and it can be cloaked, it just doesn’t always come out and slap you.

It’s our nature to have biased. The color of our skin has no bearing on what’s in our heart.

No religion has ever been able to obliterate racism. I feel in some ways it’s only made it worse. Putting on a suit and a beautiful dress doesn’t take racism away from a country , nation, community. It still lurks in the heart and constantly and consistently needs weeding out.


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