Nebula, The IoT Cloud Ready Development Board

Описание к видео Nebula, The IoT Cloud Ready Development Board


Today I’m introducing our very own IoT cloud ready development board, Nebula.

Nebula allows developers to quickly prototype and deploy their IoT ecosystem. It is a joint venture between Future Electronics, Cypress and Murata.

Wireless connectivity is powered by the Murata Type 1DX module which houses the Cypress CYW4343W Wi-Fi and Bluetooth chipset radio.

The board contains ST Microelectronics’ popular STM32F4 MCU series which is based on an ARM Cortex M4 and has an operating speed of up to 180 MHz, which makes it the fastest WICED board focused on an ST Microelectronics’ MCU.

The Nebula board supports application development through Cypress’ WICED™ (Wireless Internet Connectivity for Embedded Devices) platform. WICED™ is the only SDK that combines wireless, MCUs, and memory in one environment that runs on Windows, OS X and Linux through Eclipse-based IDE.

The Nebula board has been designed for novices and expert developers alike looking to explore the vast opportunities in IoT applications such as asset tracking, energy management, fitness, lighting controls, HVAC, portable controls, security and building automation.

Visit the Cypress Nebual Portal by clicking here:

The Nebula board is available for purchase through for only 99$. Please reach out to your local Future Electronics Representative or email us at [email protected] for more information. Part number: NEB1DX-01


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