Russian drinking song for the soul: "Ой, мороз, мороз"

Описание к видео Russian drinking song for the soul: "Ой, мороз, мороз"

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Learn Russian drinking song "Oh the frost" so you can sing along at the Russian parties! Now with subtitles!

okay I meant to say "Best defense is offense" but I only googled the proper way to say it now, so bear with me)

Original lyrics:
Ой, мороз, мороз,
Не морозь меня,
Не морозь меня, моего коня.

Не морозь меня, моего коня,
Моего коня белогривого.

Моего коня белогривого,
У меня жена, ох, ревнивая.

У меня жена, ох, красавица,
Ждет меня домой, ждет печалится.

Я вернусь домой на закате дня.
Обниму жену, напою коня.

Ой, мороз, мороз,
Не морозь меня,
Не морозь меня, моего коня.

Oh, the frost, the frost,
Don't you freeze me,
Don't you freeze me,
Don't you freeze my horse.

Don't you freeze me,
Don't you freeze my horse,
My white-maned horse

My white-maned horse.
My wife is of the jealous kind.

My wife, oh such a beauty,
Awaits for my return, awaits in sadness.

I'll return home at sunset,
I'll embrace my wife
and give my horse water.

Oh, the frost, the frost,
Don't you freeze me,
Don't you freeze me,
Don't you freeze my horse.


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