Weathering the Storm with Blue Sky Thinking 無懼逆風,隨藍天妙想天開

Описание к видео Weathering the Storm with Blue Sky Thinking 無懼逆風,隨藍天妙想天開

We can’t control the weather, but we’re always trying to keep the air clear.

Typhoons, tornadoes, snowstorms, volcanoes — every day of the year, the unpredictability of nature impacts the way we fly. Inspired to find a way to help you better, our teams came together to create a bespoke digital solution that goes beyond the normal airport experience. Our IT and Airport Service Delivery teams conceived, developed and launched the application, CMAnywhere. With our entire check-in system now accessible on an iPad, our frontline teams can be completely mobile around the airport to assist our customers.

Explore how CMAnywhere highlights our commitment to driving innovation and shaping the future of travel and lifestyle.

Learn more on #CathayStories:

#Cathay #MoveBeyond


不管是颱風、龍捲風、暴風雪,還是火山爆發——每一天,大自然都為我們帶來意想不到的挑戰,並影響著我們的航班運作。為了給你更好的服務,我們的資訊科技部及機場服務團隊通力合作,從零構思並建立流動應用程式 CMAnywhere ,塑造與別不同的機場體驗。現在,整套辦理登機系統都能在iPad上操作,讓前線團隊可於機場各處靈活使用,隨時為乘客提供協助。

一同探索 CMAnywhere 如何展現我們以客為尊,了解我們如何承諾推動創新,並塑造未來的旅行及生活方式。

了解更多 #國泰故事:

#國泰 #志在飛躍


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