Trading 101: What is "Trade Slippage"? (beginners beware!)

Описание к видео Trading 101: What is "Trade Slippage"? (beginners beware!)

When I was a beginner day trader in the world of the stock market, my trade plans and strategies never seemed to work out the way I had planned for them. After plenty of headaches and confusion I finally realized the problem: "trade slippage". In my early days when I was just getting started, I wish someone would have given me a "beginners beware" in regards to this annoying trade reality! If I can save you some headaches and offer you up warning so that you don't have any nasty surprised within your stock trading results, then perfect! Let me explain to you "what" trade slippage is, "how" it works, and "why" it can cause your plan trade results to look much different. I won't say this is a life or death issue within the world of day trading; however, it is one of those small realities that can add up in a big way over extended periods of time. Let's do some trading 101 and learn about trade slippage!

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