Panel 3: Securing the Rights of a Free People

Описание к видео Panel 3: Securing the Rights of a Free People

What responsibility do states have in protecting the rights of their citizens? How should we think about rights like the freedom of speech — do rights operate primarily as a limit on government power, or do they protect the natural rights of the citizen? Which framework is more consistent with original understanding? What limits applied to freedoms of speech — to what extent were they regulable by government and for what ends? How were rights defended and enforced?

-Prof. Randy Barnett, Patrick Hotung Professor of Constitutional Law, Georgetown University Law Center
-Hon. Rohit Chopra, Director, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
-Prof. Joshua Kleinfeld, Professor of Law, Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law
-Prof. Maimon Schwarzschild, Professor of Law, University of San Diego School of Law
-Jonathan Urick, Associate Chief Counsel, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Litigation Center
-Moderator: Hon. Kyle Duncan, U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit

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