5 Fun Activities to Do with Your Pug!

Описание к видео 5 Fun Activities to Do with Your Pug!

5 Fun Activities to Do with Your Pug!
1. **Play Hide-and-Seek**: Hide treats or toys around the house or yard,
and encourage your pug to sniff them out. This game provides mental
stimulation and rewards their sense of smell.
2. **Go on a Walk or Hike**: Pugs love exploring new sights, smells, and
sounds! Take your pug on a walk around the neighborhood or a nearby trail.
Make sure to keep an eye on them, as they can get overexcited and pull on
the leash.
3. **Play Indoor Games**: When it's too cold or rainy outside, play indoor
games with your pug! Try hiding treats in cardboard boxes, playing fetch
with a soft toy, or teaching tricks like "shake" or "roll over."
4. **Give Treats and Snacks**: Pugs love treats! Offer healthy snacks like
carrots, green beans, or small pieces of cooked chicken. You can also use
positive reinforcement training by rewarding good behavior with tasty
5. **Have a Cuddle Party**: Pugs are social animals and adore spending
time with their humans! Have a cuddle party where you snuggle up on the
couch, give belly rubs, and enjoy some quality bonding time.


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