How to get NFT drops on veve | Disney golden moments nfts (BEST METHOD)

Описание к видео How to get NFT drops on veve | Disney golden moments nfts (BEST METHOD)

You are wondering how to cop NFTs like the Disney golden moment nft on veve?
Then you found the right video, because I am going to show you a method to nearly always cop the nfts on those rare drops on the veve app. In addition I will show you guys my nft that I copped on veve, to prove that this method worked. If you actually follow this guide you will make some decent money with veve. My 60 dollar nft is currently valued around 1000 dollars on VEVE.

I hope that you guys enjoyed this video! And good luck to all of you on the upcoming drops.

#veve #dinseynft #nfts


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