Molecular Regulation of Mitochondrial Adaptations to Exercise

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ECSS Prague 2019
The 24th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science will take place in Prague between 3rd and 6th July 2019. It will host some of the world's leading sports scientist who will continue to share their latest research and findings from across the academic and applied fields.
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23rd annual ECSS Congress Dublin/Ireland, July 4-7 2018

Molecular Regulation of Mitochondrial Adaptations to Exercise

Author: Zierath, J.
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm and University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen

The circadian clock, an intrinsic molecular system in virtually all cells, is a key element in homeostatic regulation that controls a large array of metabolic genes. Disruption of the circadian clock is linked to the development of type 2 diabetes. Importantly, intimate links between epigenetic regulation and the circadian clock exist that are likely to contribute to the plasticity of insulin sensitive organs to exercise and nutrition. Therefore, we are currently addressing whether synchronizing exercise and nutrient interventions to the molecular circadian clock will maximize the health promoting benefits of exercise to enhance insulin sensitivity and mitochondrial biogenesis. Work is now underway to identify the time of day for optimal exercise intervention to induce the greatest metabolic effect on signal transduction, mitochondrial function, and expression of exercise-responsive genes. The ultimate goal is to develop novel strategies to maximize the health promoting effects of exercise and nutrition by synchronizing these interventions with the peripheral clocks.


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