2 hours of astarion clips from my 4 playthroughs because i'm a bloodless simp

Описание к видео 2 hours of astarion clips from my 4 playthroughs because i'm a bloodless simp

spoilers for ending stuff & durge & kinda everything tbh

hello i doubt anyone is gonna watch this but you never know so hi if youre here. i did 4 playthroughs of bg3 during which i recorded a bunch of astarion scenes and dialogues bc i love him (yes shocker i know).

1st playthrough: Inaer - they/them, lolth-sworn cleric drow + romanced astarion (yes i accidentally did the most fascinating thing without any dnd knowledge - a non-binary drow. i did many things wrong as one does on their first playthrough and astarion in the bard outfit is not the worst of them trust me)

2nd playthrough: Qestra - she/her, githyanki monk (just very chaotic tbh but very fun)

3rd playthrough: Durgie - he/him, dragonborn embraced dark urge + ascended astarion (evil af, murdered everyone, bhaal's favourite son etc etc)(and yes i named my durge 'durgie' and i loved every second of it)

4th playthrough: Cirrus - he/him, tiefling sorcerer (hes hot young and dumb + i had the full party mod to get more interactions while walking around & that was very fun and only slightly buggy)

i'm still probably gonna do an honour mode & a redeemed durge + i want to see ascended romanced content i just don't know if i'm mentally ready for that so i'll probably remake this video someday but for now this is it


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