Pesticidewise: spraying pesticides upwards using a knapsack sprayer

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Pesticidewise: how to spray pesticides upwards using a knapsack sprayer.

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Video script:

This video will show you how to spray pesticide upward but using water to practice with

The operator will be spraying upwards and laterally with the nozzle 50cm from the foliage.

It is really important that you wear the correct PPE when spraying upwards. This is because in order to spray the tops of taller trees, you will need to angle the spray projection steeply upwards. Whilst some spray will be projected safely upwards for up to a meter, some drops will fall back down.

Wear a coverall with a hood and make sure that the hood is pulled up and over the head. Wider brimmed hats can also be useful but integrated hoods are better. It is also advisable to wear a face mask too.

The sleeves of your gloves should be on the outside of your coverall sleeves or you could use tape to close the gap between sleeve and glove.

When practicing to spray upwards and laterally with water, start at the top of the foliage and move the nozzle down……, then move the nozzle across half a metre and spray up, ……... then move the nozzle across half a metre and spray down.

For higher foliage you may need to fix an extension to your lance. Extensions enable the nozzle to be positioned closer to the spray targets in the highest points of the canopy.

Keep the nozzle about 50 cms away from the outer leaves of the canopy to achieve the full width of the swath - in this case half a metre.

The intensity of small, fine sized drops generated by hollow cone nozzles and the angles of their projection ensure the leaves at the front of the canopy and the concealed leaves within, are all sprayed.

Spray one side of the tomato row at a time. When you have finished one side, start at the top of the next side and again spray down….

Monitor your spraying pressure and keep your spraying speed constant. Constantly check that your nozzle is producing the right spray pattern and drop size.

Be careful neither to spray the ground nor to spray over the top of the row as this will waste your pesticide and be a risk to the environment or anyone near you.

Where you are spraying crops in a row like these:

Spray first one side of the crop in the row and then go to the other side of the row and continue spraying. Monitor your spraying pressure and keep your spraying speed constant. Constantly check that your nozzle is producing the right spray pattern and drop size.

Check that every leaf is sprayed and has a cover of drops.

Check that spray is reaching all the leaves within the canopy; those that are lower down as well as those at the top; those on the outer sides as well as those within. Remember, contact insecticides will only control the pests where the spray has made direct contact.

If some of the leaves have received too much pesticide – like this one where the drops have accumulated and dripped off onto the ground, then the nozzle was being moved too slowly. Practice again until you have the best deposits on the leaves.

This contact acting insecticide needs to be sprayed using smaller drops to produce an almost complete cover of drops over every leaf. All contact pesticides will only control the pest where the sprayed drop has made direct contact with the pest, so check that every leaf and stem has a cover of small drops over the entire target surface.

When air is coming out of the nozzle and the spray liquid is all used, place a stick at this point to mark where spraying must re-start with the next load.

Leave a small unsprayed area which is to be sprayed later with the water used to clean the inside of the sprayer.

Visit our website for more information about how to spray pesticides using a knapsack sprayer.

The YouTube URL for this video is    • Pesticidewise: spraying pesticides up...  


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