The Artist's Journey With Steven Pressfield

Описание к видео The Artist's Journey With Steven Pressfield

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The creative experience is a roller-coaster – and we all experience the highs and lows of the journey over time. You are not alone, wherever you are on the path, even though it might feel like it sometimes.

In today's show, I talk to Steven Pressfield about The Artist's Journey.

Steven Pressfield is the author of non-fiction works including The War of Art and Turning Pro, and novels around the classical wars of ancient Greece and modern warfare like Gates of Fire. His latest book is The Artist's Journey: The Wake of the Hero's Journey and the Lifelong Pursuit of Meaning.

Show Notes

On writing from the inside out rather than productivity hacking
How an artist’s subject remains the same over a lifetime, even though the work evolves
On writing from a deeply primal source.
How Steve gets out of his own way in order to write.
On the importance of creative habits and rituals.
How to discover our inner genius or destiny
Being true to what inspires us and therefore being a force for unity and empathy
Having patience as an artist
Learning from every writing experience

You can find Steven at and on Twitter @SPressfield

You can always find the show notes and links at:


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