KababFPV Babytooth Updated 👍

Описание к видео KababFPV Babytooth Updated 👍

Using the new frame from Dave_C_FPV, I was able to reduce the weight further.

Sanchez Air Frame - http://bit.ly/2ZfOg2H
*you can get these cut at CNCmadness

Kabab Babytooth Frame - http://bit.ly/2R4b4g8 | http://bit.ly/3lUJDDa
1202.5 11500kv motors - http://bit.ly/2ThtYCQ
CrazyBee F4 Lite - http://bit.ly/2t0SQnX | http://bit.ly/2ulJSC1
RunCam Nano 3 - http://bit.ly/35EtObm | http://bit.ly/2FjQX8n
NewBeeDrone Mount - http://bit.ly/2QM6cxl
Gemfan 3016x3 prop - http://bit.ly/2QLHHAs | http://bit.ly/30bRT8e
GNB 600mah 1S Lipo - http://bit.ly/2sfXLAL | http://amzn.to/2Njq1Kl

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