What if I Run Out of 20 Volume?

Описание к видео What if I Run Out of 20 Volume?

It's important to understand how to manipulate developer. This has saved me more time than I can count. With some basic math you can reduce the volume of a developer to exactly where you want it.
Add the numbers on your developer, and then divide by the number of parts.
Each of the examples assumes equal parts, W=water
W+10=5 vol
W+20=10 vol
W+30=15 vol
W+40=20 vol
W+40+40+40=30 vol
10+20=15 vol
10+30=20 vol
10+40=25 vol
20+30=25 vol
20+40=30 vol
30+40=35 vol
If this is your sort of thing (It's mine), try the math to combine water and 40 volume to make every volume in increments of 5 from 5-40.


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