显龙20:非一般的政治旅程 20 Years with PM Lee: An Exceptional Journey

Описание к видео 显龙20:非一般的政治旅程 20 Years with PM Lee: An Exceptional Journey

#李显龙 #leehsienloong #zaobaosg #新加坡

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has had a long and exceptional political career.

During his 20 years of leadership, Singapore’s economy and competitiveness have progressed leaps and bounds, overcoming big challenges such as the Global Financial Crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic. He pushed for the evolution of Singapore’s political system and a society that is more open, inclusive and fair.

As PM Lee prepares to hand over the baton to DPM Lawrence Wong on 15 May 2024, we take you on a journey to look back on his extraordinary career as Singapore’s third prime minister. https://zb.sg/Mj4E

00:00 宣誓就任新加坡第三任总理
Sworn in as Singapore's third Prime Minister

02:45 “阳光明媚的时候 应全力以赴”
“When the sun is shining, go for it.”

04:20 2011年分水岭大选 人民行动党首次输掉集选区
PAP lost a GRC for the first time in 2011

06:13 对三大民生领域作出战略调整
Policy adjustments to address Singaporeans’ livelihood concerns

08:22 SG50遭遇丧父之痛
Bade farewell to Lee Kuan Yew as Singapore celebrated Golden Jubilee

10:07 推动政治改革
Major political reforms including Elected Presidency

12:45 与弟妹陷李光耀故居争端
Dispute over Lee Kuan Yew’s former residence

14:18 在动荡世界维护新加坡利益
Safeguarding Singapore’s interest in a turbulent world

18:18 交棒计划因疫情延后
Handover disrupted by Covid-19 outbreak

20:53 黄循财获推举为总理接班人
Lawrence Wong confirmed as the successor

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