Plastic Surgery (Cosmetic Surgery and Reconstructive Surgery) Clinic in Kandy, Sri Lanka.

Описание к видео Plastic Surgery (Cosmetic Surgery and Reconstructive Surgery) Clinic in Kandy, Sri Lanka.

The spectrum of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Referrals in OUTPATIENT CLINIC

Skin tumours (benign/malignant),
Scars and complications of scars (contractures, deformities, hypertrophied scars, Keloid scars and atrophic scars)

Burns of the special areas - face, scalp, neck, breast, over joints, hands, genital area and buttocks
All Non-thermal burns - Chemical and Electric burns

Skin lesions of scalp requiring surgical treatment- nevus sebaceous, neurofibroma, AV malformations etc

Eyelids - ectropion, entropion, Ptosis, Facial nerve palsy( inability to close the eye), eyebrow and eyelid lacerations, xanthelasma, Eyelid lesions

Nose - nasal deformities, cosmetic and functional, cleft nose

Mouth - cleft lip and cleft palate, macrostomia, tumours of lips, mouth deviation (due to facial nerve palsy/trauma)

Ears - Congenital deformities of the ear (microtia, bifid ear lobes, preauricular tags etc), Traumatic lacerations of Pinna, Loss of part of Pinna, Prominent ears.

Neck - Torticollis, Neck contractures

Breast - Congenital deformities of the breast and nipple (breast asymmetry, inverted nipple, Poland syndrome, accessory breast/nipple and axillary fat pad), inappropriately sized breasts (Too Large or too small)
Abdomen - Excessive fat apron of the abdominal wall, Divarication of recti muscles, Ventral hernia, Recurrent paraumbilical hernia

Hand- Any trauma to hand, open and closed fractures of the hand, tendon injuries, nerve injuries, fingertip injuries, osteoarthritis of distal interphalangeal joint, proximal interphalangeal joint, metacarpophalangeal joint and carpal joints, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, Dupuytren's contracture, tumours of the hand including ganglions, deformities of the hand secondary to trauma, rheumatoid arthritis, leprosy.
All the congenital deformities of the hand and forearm - Syndactyly, polydactyly, duplicated digits, radial club hand and ulna club hand, Hand trauma, hand fractures.
Peripheral nerve injuries - Erb’s palsy and neonatal brachial plexus injury, Adult brachial plexus injury, peripheral nerve injuries of upper limb - radial nerve, median nerve, ulnar nerve, peripheral nerve injuries of the lower limb - the sciatic nerve, tibial nerve, peroneal nerve, deformities due to old nerve injuries - wrist drop, foot drop, claw hand etc

Pressure sores - sacral, trochanteric, ischial pressure sores, neuropathic ulcers of foot / Difficult wounds and chronic wounds - venous ulcers, neuropathic ulcers.


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