Beyond Shadowgate Demo

Описание к видео Beyond Shadowgate Demo

Hello everyone, and welcome to a special video.

Right as I'm writing this, there's a Kickstarter on its final 24 hours for Beyond Shadowgate, a proper sequel to the old classic MacVenture and NES game. As far as I know, the story was written closely after Shadowgate was released, but when the game was made for the TurboGrafx-16 CD, it was altered beyond the original creator's control. So they are making a proper sequel themselves now.

This time, Zojoi is going together with GrahfMetal to make the game in the style of the NES original. The music I've heard so far is very similar to the feel I got from the old game. They even hired the original artist of the Shadowgate cover art to make a new cover for this game. Besides making a lot larger game in scope, they have added some new features. First is an etheral companion who can help with hints through the game. I'm sure it will play a bigger role through the story. And there are now some timed events. You will need to make a quick decision to save your life. Both can be seen in this demo. There will also be fast travel, as the adventure will be so much larger now.

I was around 10 years old when I tried Shadowgate on the NES. We in Sweden were lucky was lucky to get a translated version of the game. Sure, the spelling was off occasionally, but that was a rare treat back then. Shadowgate was my first adventure game, and also horror I suppose, as it was quite creepy for me as a young lad. I have played through it, but I had a guide to help. I really need to play it again, and see how it is in english as it's supposed to be.

When I first saw this Kickstarter campaign, I knew I had to pledge. It looks like it could be a great adventure. And some of the rewards looks neat too. An NES cartridge replica complete with box and manual for example. You can even get a glow-in-the-dark cartridge! There are some other neat rewards too. But you need to be fast, there's only one day left. Hopefully they will add a possibility to pledge late.

I'm ready with my pledge at least. The game itself is aimed to be released in September this year. I know I'm late, I just hope I can help with giving this game the attention it truly deserves.

And check out GrahfMetal's page aswell, as they have two games made in the same style as Shadowgate, and they are free! So I'm going to try them while I'm waiting for Beyond Shadowgate.

Thank you for watching, and see you soon!


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