Various - Arafat, Peres and Rabin Receive Nobel

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(12 Dec 1994) STORY: NOBEL PRIZE

Arafat, Peres, Rabin awarded Nobel Prize amid protest

PLO leader Yasser Arafat and his former Israeli foes, Yitzhak
Rabin and Shimon Peres, collected the 1994 Nobel peace prize on
Saturday (10/12) in recognition of their historic self-rule deal.
Arafat bowed several times after receiving the award, breaking
into smiles as Israeli Foreign Minister Peres and Prime Minister
Rabin, with whom he shook hands several times, followed him to the
rostrum in alphabetical order. The three laureates received their
diplomas and medals amid the marble and frescoes of Oslo's town
hall. They also share the seven-million kroner (950,000 dollars)
prize. Arafat urged Israel in his acceptance speech to speed up
the peace process with an army redeployment on the occupied West
Bank and elections for a Palestinian autonomy council. Rabin, 72,
vowed never to abandon Middle East peace: "We are determined to do
the job well -- despite the toll of murderous terrorism, despite
fanatic and cruel enemies of peace." Peres, 71, one of the
architects of the autonomy deal, outlined his vision of a new
Israel living in harmony with the Middle East. Outside, policemen
on horseback and anti-riot units with dogs kept at bay small
groups of Jewish demonstrators. A group of around 30 Israeli
settlers on the streets shouted "Arafat, terrorist" and "It's not
peace. It's terror." In Jerusalem, rightwing Israelis also
demonstrated, shouting anti-peace slogans and waving banners which
read "the Nobel peace prize is the prize of terror" and "this
peace will kill us." Similar demonstrations were held by hardline
Palestinian opponents of Arafat in Gaza.

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