Islame Mayer morjada/ইসলামে মায়ের মর্যাদা। Delwar Hossain Saidi waz.

Описание к видео Islame Mayer morjada/ইসলামে মায়ের মর্যাদা। Delwar Hossain Saidi waz.

Islame Mayer Morjada

In this waz Maulana Saidi discussed the rights of mothers in Islam. He discussed every aspects of how our behaviour should be to our mother, what rights they have over us and what we should not do to them. He presented this topic in the lights of Quran and Hadith. please watch.

#SaidiWaz #ইসলামেমায়েরমরযাদা #দেলোয়ারহোসেনসাঈদী


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