Interview with Noah Landis (Tension Span, Neurosis, Christ on Parade and more)

Описание к видео Interview with Noah Landis (Tension Span, Neurosis, Christ on Parade and more)

The first day of the year is always the final day of our interview marathon and just like last year we like to go out on a bang! And just like last year we want to end with an interview partner who would be much too humble to accept his importance: Noah Landis who played a huge part in the Gilman Street scene in the 80s, when bands like Samiam, Green Day and his most famous one - Neurosis - shared the stage very frequently. Noah has a new project, Tension Span, which we already reviewed here, and thus we had a lot to talk about!

With 91 minutes this is one of our longest interviews ever, this is an interview for the ages. Noah’s new band is mighty interesting and so we focused on its songs somewhere between Industrial, Noise-Rock, Post-Punk and a tinge of New Wave attitutde. Other topics were his love for literature, his philantrophy and so much more. Enjoy our last interview for this marathon and, if you want to, give us node to who you’d like to be involved in our next marathon, starting on Christmas Eve!

[Photo Credit: Jorin Bukosky]


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