Dentists, the Nation's Biggest Fear: Behind the Scenes of a Dental Hospital

Описание к видео Dentists, the Nation's Biggest Fear: Behind the Scenes of a Dental Hospital

The nation's biggest fear: dentists. Brace yourself as we go behind the scenes of Manchester's Dental Hospital and discover the shocking state of Britain's teeth. We meet the men and women who terrify us so much yet only want to give us smiles! In a typical week the dentists tackle an extraordinary array of dental problems and diseases; from broken tooth emergencies to facial reconstruction plastic surgery.

Dentist Kirsty Woodmason faces a usual busy afternoon pulling kids' teeth; astonishingly they have so many bad ones they need taking out under general anaesthetic. For 25 year old Danielle, a lifetime of neglect and a terror of the dentist have taken their toll. She has to be sedated as her bad teeth are extracted. She regrets she'll have dentures on her wedding day.

We meet James, whose adult teeth never formed, and self-conscious, he learned to never smile. After 63 appointments, dentist Martin Ashley fits James' dental implants to give him the smile he's been denied so long.

Narrator: Hugh Bonneville


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