Pizza Tower Noob vs Noob!

Описание к видео Pizza Tower Noob vs Noob!

In this challenge, FireByte and DinoKing will play 4 levels that we hand picked. We both had an entire month to practice lapping these levels and getting good. Both of our goals is to see how many laps we can do at the end individually combined.

TheDinoKing ►    / @thedinokingk  

Voice Over:
LuigiTheOctoling ►    / @thereallto  

Play the game ► Pizza Tower:
Pizza Tower twitter ►   / pizzatowergame  

0:00 Challenge Explanation
0:16 Round 1 (John Gutter)
9:50 Round 2 (Fastfood Saloon)
18:41 Round 3 (Bloodsauce Dungeon)
26:21 Round 4 (Golf)
34:46 End

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#PizzaTower #Peppino #challenge


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